News Articles

Multiplex tissue image of the month - BOLL in testis

News image of the month September 2024 BOLL 2.PNG

Meiosis-associated Boule homolog, RNA binding protein (gene: BOLL) is localized to mid-stage developing sperm in testis with multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF)...Read more

Exposomics reveals distinctive and dynamic environmental chemical mixtures in blood


The chemical exposome represents the sum of environmental chemical exposures throughout the life of an individual. These include exposure to chemicals from inhalation of polluted air, intake of dietary substances and pharmaceuticals, ingestion of contaminated food and water, but also to the metabolic products of gut microbiota. Chemical exposomes are readily measured in blood, but to conclusively link environmental exposures to disease etiology knowledge of their variability and longitudinal stability is required...Read more

The fast development in spatial omics and the future of life science


In this round table discussion Prof. Mu-Ming Poo, Prof. Miguel Esteban and Dr. Jan Mulder discuss the recent developments in the field of spatial omics and how these might change the future of life science...Read more

Multiplex tissue image of the month - MIOX in kidney

News image of the month August 2024 MIOX.PNG

The proximal tubule-specific catabolic enzyme myo-inositol oxygenase (gene: MIOX) is highlighted in kidney through multiplex immunohistochemistry (mIHC/IF)...Read more

The Human Protein Atlas is the GCBR of the Week


The Global Biodata Coalition has selected the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) as the Global Core Biodata Resource (GCBR) of the Week. HPA was appointed GCBR in December 2023 and is one of about 50 resources including Ensembl, Uniprot, GeneOntology, DDBJ, Reactome and STRING...Read more