News Articles

Fernström award to HPA affiliated researcher

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Dr. Cecilia Lindskog, a research group leader at Uppsala University and director of the Uppsala site of the HPA project, has been awarded the 2024 Erik K. Fernström Foundation's Prize for young, particularly promising researchers...Read more

Systems Biology Approaches to Decipher the Underlying Molecular Mechanisms of Glioblastoma Multiform


Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most malignant central nervous system tumors, showing a poor prognosis and low survival rate. Therefore, deciphering the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in the progression of the GBM and identifying the key driver genes responsible for the disease progression is crucial for discovering potential diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets...Read more

Systems biology in hepatology: approaches and applications


The liver is responsible for vital biological functions in the body...Read more

Computational scientist with a focus on the liver

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Adil Mardinoglu is a SciLifeLab fellow and the newest addition to the Protein Atlas team of principal investigators. He is the leader of the systems biology group, a group that create biological networks to identify drug targets and discover biomarkers for the development of efficient treatment strategies.

But Adil´s background is not in medicine, he is an electronic engineer with a PhD in computational biology.

– I did my PhD in Ireland where I worked with magnetic drug targeting, he says.

After a one year post doc doing research on neuronal networks, Adil Mardinoglu moved to Chalmers in Gothenburg to join Jens Nielsens group in systems biology...Read more

Network-based approach to study lipid metabolism


In a recent publication in Nucleic Acids Research, researchers from the Systems Biology group at the Human Protein Atlas investigated anomalies in regulation of lipid metabolism in the liver, in association with hepatocellular carcinoma.

Hepatocellular carcinoma has a high mortality rate and early detection of the disease is crucial for the application of effective treatment strategies. Several lines of evidence imply that lipid anomalies underlie the hepatocellular carcinoma pathogenesis.

Here, the researchers applied a tailored network-based approach to identify signaling hubs associated with regulation of this part of the metabolism...Read more